Michael Brady migration completed

After a slight delay, Squirrel Solutions Ltd is pleased to announce that the second and final batch of Windows XP systems have been replaced at one of our longest-standing clients, Michael Brady Ltd.
We replaced the first batch last summer, but due to circumstances beyond the control of either Squirrel Solutions Ltd or Michael Brady Ltd, the second batch were not replaced until recently. However, the second batch has now been replaced, and the changeover was as smooth as could be hoped for.
We are also pleased to announce that we securely erased then refurbished many of the old PCs that were removed from this migration, and have raised over £100 for local charities from the sale of these old computers.
All of Michael Brady Ltd's PCs are now running 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, with a unix server (supplied by us in 2012) acting as the domain controller.
Michael Brady Ltd also has a number of satellite offices around London, including site offices on current projects, all of which are linked in via a secure Virtual Private Network to their head office in Wembley.
We have now been working with Michael Brady Ltd for nearly 10 years maintaining their IT systems along with their website. We are happy to be able to have assisted the firm in this project, and hope to continue working alongside them for many years to come.
Michael Brady Ltd: www.michaelbradyltd.co.uk